Weekly newsletter #87
The best of what I've read this week, about operations, training and education, communication, and more
It’s official, I’m speaking about documentation at MOps-Apalooza! I don’t know the exact date and time of the session yet, but I hope to see you there if you’ll be in Southern California in early November!
The next RevOps BootCamp I co-teach for HubSpot Academy starts October 17 and is now open for enrollment. This class covers the fundamentals of RevOps success, not how to use any kind of software.
Thanks to Sajeel Qureshi for interviewing me recently on the RevOps 500 podcast! You can watch and listen here.
I’ve had a lot of offline problems to solve lately, but I think I’ll have the next part of my book released next week, about the research interview question related to RevOps and project management.
Onto the curated resources!
Thanks to this week’s sponsor:
Is marketing planning always chaotic? Join Shell Mobility and Uptempo for a webinar on transforming planning processes. Discover how Shell replaced scattered spreadsheets with a unified system and automations, boosting efficiency and collaboration across global teams. Perfect for marketing leaders looking to streamline complex, multi-market planning processes.
Last week’s most popular link:
Sara McNamara shares a free 30/60/90 day onboarding doc that you can steal and use for your own job/team 🚢
What I've been reading, watching, and listening to:
Rachel Nazhand writes how your biggest career mistakes may be masquerading as superpowers, and the superpower of curiosity and the ability to investigate thoroughly
Mike Rizzo shares data from Live Data Technologies about the crucial role that Marketing Operations plays in driving business success
Lisa González writes how to measure the effectiveness of my process documentation
Nicole Pereira writes how small service businesses are just a few client cancelations away from a layoff
Gray MacKenzie writes how agencies should be paying way more attention to their project management
Alina Vandenberghe writes about why some marketing teams perform a LOT better than others in the same space
Kim Hacker writes about how that person who barely speaks might be the key decision-maker you're overlooking
Darrell Alfonso writes how many teams complain about dirty data but nothing ever changes
Jacob Warwick writes how most interview advice for executives is trash
Sarah Sehgal writes how ops should report on IMPACT, not activity in annual planning
Articles, Reports, Guides, Newsletters
Andy Mowat writes about why marketing ops people make great RevOps leaders
Adi Klevit writes about How to Document a Business Process 📝
Lenny Rachitsky shares takeaways from the podcast with Tal Raviv about Becoming a super IC: Lessons from 12 years as a PM individual contributor
Jeff Ignacio shares part 3 and part 4 of a series on annual planning
Eddie Reynolds writes about how to Run More Effective GTM Experiments
Jenna Alburger writes about How to Align Product and Marketing Teams Through Positioning
People Ops Weekly writes about the leaked employee onboarding process from Mr Beast 🚢 ( and ‘prios’ is the new contender for the worst abbreviation/jargon I’ve seen!)
Toni Hohlbein writes about how to stop attribution fights once and for all, why Sales and Marketing have a collaboration problem
John Cutler shares a Miro board used to guide team discussions around roadmapping
David Lancefield writes about 4 Traps to Avoid as You Transition into a Leadership Role in Harvard Business Review (3 free articles a month)
Wes Kao writes about how you should stop learning to give feedback. Learn to receive it.
Darrell Alfonso writes about how to ask for a data investment and more
Workplaceless writes about how to Design the Best First Day Ever for New Remote Employees 🚢
Podcasts & Webinars
Rachel Nazhand and Jeff Ignacio discuss Revenue Operations vs Business Operations on The RevOps Review podcast — 17 minutes
Katie Burke and Adam Weber discuss empowering leaders through on-the-job coaching on the HR Superstars podcast — 36 minutes
Crissy Saunders discusses How Ops People can Level-Up Their Interactions with Leadership on The Revenue Architects podcast — 11 minutes
Roxanne Taku and Jeff Ignacio discuss creating a regional strategy on The RevOps Review podcast — 23 minutes
Gray MacKenzie and Jakub ‘Kuba’ Grajcar discuss The 10 FTE Wall: How to Scale Your Agency Past 10 Team Members on the Agency Journey podcast —46 minutes
Blaine Tetterton, Michael Hartmann, and Mike Rizzo discuss Practical tips for Project Management on the OpsCast podcast — 60 minutes
Featured Events or Classes:
September 24: How Metalab Makes Remote Work Human from Loom
September 24: Smart Brevity open house from AxiosHQ
September 24-26: Align 2024 from BizLibrary
September 26: Enablement Therapy: Reflect, Recharge, and Realign for Year-End Success from Spekit
October 1: Program Management Virtual Summit 2024 ($) from PMO Advisory
October 8: Market Movers: Sales Trends Shaping Tomorrow with Omi Diaz-Cooper from the Women-Led Sales Collective
October 9: MOps-Apalooza Local Warm-Up: San Diego Edition (free) from MarketingOps.com
November 5: MOps-Apalooza exclusive dinner for Sr. Managers and Leaders, in Anaheim, California
May 6-8: RevOpsAF conference ($) in New Orleans, Louisiana
Featured Book:
Featured Remote Jobs:
A Few Ways I Can Help You
On-demand courses:
How and Why to Document Your Business Processes — full course
There is now a MarketingOps. com version! It includes the workbook and some marketing-ops-specific resources
Live courses:
How to Document Your Business Processes — Full course — Oct. 1-22 (new format of one class per week instead of two classes per week) - Thursday is the last day to enroll!
How to write a clear process anyone can follow - One-session workshop - Nov. 12, 8-11AM Pacific
Create a system to keep documentation in use and updated - One-session workshop - Nov. 19, 8-10:30AM Pacific
A new live course on employee onboarding will be available later this year — participate in the research that will shape the course here
Emoji Key:
📝 Documentation
🚢 Employee onboarding