Weekly newsletter #83
The best of what I've read this week, about operations, training and education, communication, and more
I’m slowly getting back on track with projects, included another book excerpt from the ‘Tools’ chapter that includes the experts’ answers to the question about if RevOps owns the tech stack. You can read it here.
Onto the curated resources!
This week’s highlighted resouce:
Last week’s most popular link:
Amanda Natividad writes about how to find great co-marketing partners in 3 minutes
What I've been reading, watching, and listening to:
Leore Spira writes about why revenue operations is more than just a sales sidekick
AJ Sedlak writes that ops professionals need to understand that this Proactive >>> Reactive mindset is HARD but important
Camela Thompson writes about takeaways from the recent RevOps Co-op Think Tank
Courtney Sembler shares highlights of a discussion with the Customer Success & Implementation teams at Coursera 🚢
Blaine Tetterton asks: Is marketing operations marketing? Is it IT? Is it Operations?
Gagan Biyani shares LinkedIn advice for founders and leaders
Neil Weitzman shares 10 things that will make you successful in any role you take on
Jen Spencer writes about Brené Brown’s concept of “Paint it Done”
Darrell Alfonso writes about creating a team charter (continued in the newsletter)
Articles, Reports, Guides, Newsletters
Cassie Young writes about: What Should Your SaaS Marketing Budget Be? Start with Your CAC Allowable
Jeff Cypher writes about The 5 Most Important Operational Habits Your Agency Needs to Scale 📝
Amanda Althaus writes about Making the Case for Building an Online Academy
Eddie Reynolds and Gerry Marletta write about How RevOps Should Handle Mergers and Acquisitions 📝
The Secret CFO writes about Strategic Finance IV: Strategy & the Long Range Plan
Layla Pomper writes about 4 Ways to Improve Small Business Efficiency (with a video) 📝
Ethan Evans and Jason Yoong write about managing up to executives
Databox is looking for article contributors for What are the most effective strategies for aligning marketing with sales in B2B companies?
Deb Liu and Lenny Rachitsky discuss succeeding as an introvert, building zero-to-one, and why you should PM your career like you PM your product (also a podcast) 🚢
Chip Conley writes about Why “Wisdom Work” Is the New “Knowledge Work” in Harvard Business Review (3 free articles a month) (my note – also document that wisdom to share it, not just sharing out loud once!) 📝
Podcasts & Webinars
Crissy Saunders and Finn Thormeier discuss A Primer on GTM Operations on The Founder-Led Marketing Show — 46 minutes
Anne Pao, Zoya Segelbacher, and Caroline Jones discuss Anne’s diverse career journey, which spans working in the space systems industry to founding her own consulting firm, on the Rep Matters podcast — 46 minutes
Milly Barker and Michael Hubbard discuss Milly’s journey to Chief Operating Officer, revealing the secrets to her success in early-stage companies on the Ops Up Inside Your Head podcast — 44 minutes
Featured Events or Classes:
October 14: Pavilion’s Women’s Summit ($) in Austin, TX
Luke Summerfield is considering creating a 2025 Strategy Planning Bootcamp
Featured Book:
Featured Remote Jobs:
A Few Ways I Can Help You
On-demand courses:
How and Why to Document Your Business Processes — full course
There is now a MarketingOps. com version! It includes the workbook and some marketing-ops-specific resources
Live courses:
How to Document Your Business Processes — Full course — Oct. 1-22 (new format of one class per week instead of two classes per week)
How to write a clear process anyone can follow - One-session workshop - Nov. 12, 8-11AM Pacific
Create a system to keep documentation in use and updated - One-session workshop - Nov. 19, 8-10:30AM Pacific
A new live course on employee onboarding will be available later this year — participate in the research that will shape the course here
Emoji Key:
📝 Documentation
🚢 Employee onboarding
Thank you for the feature Jen, appreciate it and hopefully those managing up to execs tips will help many.