Weekly newsletter #67
The best of what I've read this week, about operations, training and education, communication, and more
I hope you’ve enjoyed the first week of May and you’re ready for this week’s dose of learning!
Onto the resources!
Thanks to this week’s sponsor:
CS2’s The Revenue Growth Newsletter — Subscribe and receive:
A breakdown of 3 powerful topics that will help you drive revenue growth
Immediate access to all videos, content, and worksheets
Special treats and surprises for subscribers
Last week’s most popular link — a 2-way tie of 5 clicks:
Maree Deane shares 8 RevOps career insights
Milly Tamati writes about a strategy to get hired faster and how to stand out as a job seeker
What I've been reading, watching, and listening to:
Nicole Pereira talks about teaching her teenage son to write an email and where we learned to write business emails
Rosalyn Santa Elena writes about communicating the value RevOps people bring to the organization, and how and why not to get sucked into these mistakes in a new role
Crissy Saunders shares the difference between a signal and a touchpoint
Mike Rizzo shares three things he says regularly to help drive alignment with stakeholders across go-to-market teams, and how CMOs Need to Elevate Marketing Operations Now
Sarah Zarling shares strategies for guiding teams through change, while maintaining focus and morale
Oscar Ganuza writes how great segmentation isn't just about identifying who to target, it’s also about deciding who NOT to target
Sara McNamara shares how not to run your marketing operations career like an amateur, and monthly routines to put your marketing operations career on steroids
Jeff Ignacio shares how to add feedback loops to Systems and Operating Cadences
Adam Horne shares one of the biggest arguments against transparency, and why it’s wrong
Rebecca Nash shares how accountability relates to Ops
Shauna Nuckels shares how managers don’t ignore employee requests out of spite, and employees don’t let things fall through the cracks because they don’t care
Stephanie Middaugh shares an enablement tip about finding all content, documentation, knowledge, etc, and organizing it in an easy-to-navigate central location for your teams 📝
Jonathan Fianu shares how RevOps needs to excel at quickly deciding what to defer (or ignore), what to deflect, and what to directly address (or action) regarding queries, asks, and objective
Darrell Alfonso shares how to create a marketing ops roadmap that works for you (instead of one created for you by another team)
Jasmine Powers writes how asking questions and gathering requirements is one of the most critical to the success in our work with our team, customers, and clients
Amber Kemmis writes how companies may have lost touch with the importance of sales and marketing alignment
Zachary Gropper shares what a Customer Success Manager client started doing to become a top performer
Megan Bowen shares the current top 5 learnings in the transition from COO to CEO
Rob Sayles writes about operational areas agencies should focus on if their sales pipeline slows down
Alexandra Snape-Rogers shares that without a business cadence, your strategy may be dead on arrival
Philip Lakin writes about how to document dependencies in no-code automation 📝
Magical Teams shares a very important operations tip! 📝
Lindsey Lerner shares what strategy is NOT
Charlie Saunders shares three lessons learned in April: Simplicity, scale back or stop, and expectation vs. reality
Wendy Lampert writes about using echo communication for standardizing language, increasing communication, and improving the understanding of that new language 📝
Jonathan Moss shares how RevOps doesn’t just give a weather report, it tells you what to wear, how to prepare, what weather is coming in a week or a month or a year, and maybe even how to change the weather
Nick Lawrence shares what enablement would look like if it were easy
Articles, Reports, Guides, Newsletters
Al Dea writes about 5 ways to Get Your Team To Document Their Work 📝
Molly Graham writes about creating the minimum viable process
Sara McNamara writes about how to be in the top 1% of marketing ops job applicants
Justin Norris writes about How to Execute Well: Project Management for Ops Teams
The Secret CFO writes how Killer Finance Teams Do These 7 Things
Justin Welsh writes about his experience from 7 years of failure to a $4M business — what you can learn
Founder’s Circle Capital shares The CFO Hiring Playbook
Anke Thiele in Harvard Business Review (3 free articles a month) writes: Before You Start Collaborating with Someone, Talk About Your Work Styles
Wes Kao writes about how to sharpen your analytical thinking—even if you’re "not a numbers person"
First Round Review writes about How Notion Does Marketing: A Deep-Dive Into its Community, Influencers & Growth Playbooks
Ben Stroup writes about The Impact of Senior Leaders on Digital Transformation Success
Jeff Cullimore The 5 Habits of Savvy Ops Pros, with Drew Noel
Jeff Ignacio writes part 2 about how he got into RevOps
Podcasts & Webinars
Hannah Hanrahan and Mark Lerner discuss standardizing processes in a YouTube short from the RevAmp podcast — about 2 minutes
Jamal Meneide and Kassandra Mendes discuss Secrets Behind the Screen: How to Succeed on Youtube in a webinar for HubSpot (password: B3^4xNz? ) — 58 minutes
Blaine Tetterton and Mike Rizzo discuss From Concept to Execution: “Lean” into Project Management Tools for MarketingOps Success for a marketingops.com webinar — 1 hour 42 minutes
Ryan Scott discusses presenting designs to get executive buy-in (password: vt@e.F6.) — 43 minutes
Paul David Mather and Jenn Whitmer discuss creating a people-centric organization on the Joyosity podcast — 21 minutes
Troy Sandidge and Mike Allton discuss what a modern agency looks like on the Social Pulse podcast — 50 minutes
Several RevOps experts discuss A State of RevOps 2024: Redux in a webinar for Rattle — 1 hour
Bethany Ayers and Brandon Mensinga discuss life lessons on The Operations Room podcast — 53 minutes
Featured Events or Classes:
On-demand: Ops 101: The Optimization Process ($) from Operators
Various dates: Humanizing Customer Education webinar series from Gainsight
May 16: Navigating the RevOps Backlog from RevOps Co-op
May 21: Master the Art of Delegation with Amanda Goetz
May 23: The internal comms metrics that matter from Workshop
Featured Book:
Featured Remote Jobs:
A Few Ways I Can Help You
The next live cohort courses:
Documentation writing workshop: enrollment is closed for tomorrow’s session
Documentation systems workshop: May 10: 1-3:30PM Pacific time
2-week documentation course: June 18-28, starting at 9AM Pacific time
On-demand courses:
How and Why to Document Your Business Processes — full course
Thanks for reading!
Thanks, @jen. Another great newsletter. I have my reading for the week!